The Power of A Mother’s Hug – The Benefits of an Embrace

As parents, you probably have heard or said yourself ‘A happy child, is a healthy child.” As parents, besides providing our children with healthy food that helps in their physical growth, we acknowledge the importance of developing a strong mental and emotional well-being in our children. A child who is confident, independent, happy, and feels safe tends to thrive and do well in school and at home.

Among the things that help in a child’s positive growth is a mother’s hug or embrace. While it seems trivial, a mother’s hug or cuddle provides the right dosage of emotional boost our children need on good days, and even more so on bad days. As a child, we always remember how our mother’s hug gave us a feeling of security, warmth, and affection. As we become mothers, our children yearn for the same. Hugging produces happy hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin that give us feelings of happiness, and relaxation and improve our mood.

This may come as a surprise but did you know that according to experts, a mother’s hug can boost immunity, stabilise heart rate and maintain your children’s body temperature? As we all know, a mother’s hug and embrace can just be the miracle we need to give warmth, and security, reducing stress and crying or in our children. In addition, hugging is an integral part of the mom-and-child bonding process. Mothers who hug their children more often in a day may just give them that emotional magical potion they need to do well in every aspect of their lives.

In today’s context, mothers play a variety, of roles, and unfortunately, sometimes, in our busy schedules, we forget what our children yearn for and need. Regardless of their age, our children from babies to teenagers value and appreciate a mother’s hug. While we may think our children need our hugs, in actual fact, we need them too! At times, hugging is the simplest form of showing affection to our children and the connection between you and them provides a reciprocal effect you all need. In fact, we don’t need to say a word when we hug but just a pair of hands to wrap our children in our arms, Masya Allah!

For some of us, embracing the embracing culture may seem awkward but our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW is an exemplary model of how he treats children. Beyond treating his children with much affection and love, he also gave the same treatment to other children around him. He would kiss and embrace children often, as an expression of his tender love and mercy towards them. When doing so, he never held back his love and always expressed his fondness for them. Narrated by Usamah Ibn Zaid, “Rasullulah صلى الله عليه وسلم used to put me on (one of) his thighs and put Hassan on his other thigh, and then embrace us and say, “O Allah! Please be merciful to them, as I am merciful to them.” – Bukhari.

Embracing the embrace culture, hugging and cuddling our children have many benefits to their physical and emotional well-being. Never underestimate the power of a mother’s embrace. Just like how we ensure we give them the right nutrients to grow physically, let’s take the effort to show our love and care to our children emotionally and mentally. If you have not hugged your kids today, do yourself a favour, do it and remember to make it a point to do it today and every day.