4.3 Prophets Series Collection


This is a series of collection of Prophet stories that are filled with words of wisdom that give emphasis on building in children, parents and educators, a sense of gratitude to Allah and belief in Him.

To believe in the Greatness of Allah, His Wisdom, Love and Compassion.

To believe that the goodness or otherwise we face in life is based on Allah’s knowledge what is good for our growth, strength and development.

The need to always think good of Allah in whatever the circumstances we are in.

We wish that children, parents and educators will grow to have deep trust and hope in Allah and intensely believe in HIM as the ArRahman and ArRahim even before seeing the evidence of the goodness to come that HE has promised.

There are 5 titles in this set:

  1. Allah’s Gifts to Prophet Isa a.s (Prophet Isa a.s)
  2. The Prophet Who Talked to Animals (Prophet Sulayman a.s)
  3. Who is Allah’s Beloved Friend? (Prophet Ibrahim a.s)
  4. The Prophet Who Was Tested (Prophet Ayub a.s)
  5. Why was Prophet Nuh a.s. Called Allah’s Thankful Servant (Prophet Ibrahim a.s)

Author: Haniah Abdul Hamid
No. of series: 5 in a set
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Language: English


Availability: 1 in stock



Availability: 1 in stock


Author: Haniah Abdul Hamid
No. of series: 5 in a set
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Language: English